Wednesday 25 March 2009

Alligator Anarchy

I dyed last night. I tried a new method, and I am SO pleased with the results. It is quite different, and a joy to do. I started with a green base and added a selection of blood orange, blue and purple in an unusual method. I left it to cook for 30 or so minutes and then poured a load of vinegar in to make sure it was fully exhausted. The end result is flashes of bright vivid colour amongst a sea of green. The blood orange split slightly so there are some soft yellow hues to it too. As soon as Dan saw it he said it reminded him of an alligator, so its called 'Alligator Anarchy' (the anarchist bit being the punky blues and purples). It is certainly my favourite dye job so far, although I am uncertain how it will knit up. It will be going in my store shortly, and once my koolaid comes I will try this a few different ways.

Base Colour

Cookin' away

Just cooling

Alligator Anarchy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god that is GORGEOUS! now you've got me wanting to dye my own yarn. i just showed mom your site and she LOVED it, esp that little girl's dress - wants the pattern or whatever if you have it for that and the bow.