Friday 20 March 2009

Anything you can do, I can do better.


So, my SIL had a baby 2 days ago. I felt really rough when my brother rang, and my sister came over to me (we were both at mums) and asked if i was ok with the fact SIL has just given birth, and that I am being really quiet, cuz yanno I'm struggling to get pregnant... WTF we're not struggling, we just arent yet!

My 2 sisters wanted to go see them today, fair enough, except one sister (the one from above paragraph) has 2 snotty sick kids. I told mum I didn't think she should go, as it's unfair to take contagious children to see a 2 day old baby. The youngest one has just given Hudson another cold just a few days ago (it must be from him, as we haven't seen anyone else). Mum spoke to her and said do you think its a good idea yada yada and she hadn't even thought about it. Mum told her to ring my brother and see what he says. He thinks its fine (but then, what does he know, he doesnt care, its not him thats just given birth 2 days ago) so off she goes.

That's the first thing that made me mad. As I have decided I'm not going to see them tomorrow because Huds is still snotty and he loves babies and will want to hold her, which just isn't fair.

Second thing that has wound me up... Mum is on the phone to again said sister while we are coming back from food shopping (my sister doesnt know I'm in the car, and she's on loudspeaker) and she says how my SIL had such a great labour/birth and that women who have easy conception have easy births, unlike Laura... OMFG!! FUMING!!! I honestly wanted to explode, how dare she say I am struggling with conception or struggled with birth, just because I didnt have a 3 hour labour. Then she went on to say that her DH said that only nice people have easy labours and bitches have it hard, mum looked at me and said, well what about Laura, she isn't a bitch, and she replied that actually I am and I'm spending too much time with my other sister. urm. pot. calling. kettle.

Anyway, the whole fiasco made me want to cry. She knows we are trying for another baby, and she rubs my face in it that we still arent pregnant (whether on purpose or not i dont know). The thing is, I just relayed this entire rant to Dan (my DH for anyone who doesnt know) and he didnt even realise we are really trying for baby 2.

Hmm, reading all that back, it seems pretty petty, but it really riled me today, and I needed to get it out.

On a complete different note, I just watched the new Indiana Jones - wow its terrible. Like really really terrible. Unbelieveable, I wasted an entire evening when I could have been knitting.


Anonymous said...

I hated the new Indiana Jones too.

As for the other stuff - NOT petty. A lot of it was really mean and insensitive. It seems like a lot of that comes out when it comes to pregnancies/babies, like co-sleeping/breastfeeding arguments that pepper the 'net. You and Dan are too young to be STRUGGLING to get pregnant at all, so she shouldn't say it that way. Plus your baby is just two, it's not a big deal that it hasn't happened, it's not like you're clearly barren or something! Geez. Of course I dunno about conception and pregnancy, but the easy birth/sweet girl thing sounds really stupid. Aren't 1st births usually long anyway?

Two of my cousins have babies just 2 months apart and the snarkiness really showed through then. I think sometimes that's the only way people can deal. Hang in there! <3

Today's word was NESPREIS by the way. Not as cute...

Knittysaurus said...

Thanks, it means a lot to me that I don't sound ridiculous. She just wants to be top dog I think, she acts like shes all lovely and never competitive, but she's terrible really. She seems to love the fact that I had a long labour and she was done and dusted in 12 hours. She said it didn't really hurt and wasn't that bad (I was outside her room though and heard how much it 'didn't hurt').

Bah, I don't want to talk about it, it just makes me crosser and crosser. Like I said, Dan didn't even realise we are really trying.

Babies certainly bring out the worst in people. Parenting choices are just so different and everyone thinks they are right (which of course, I am heh), its an argument waiting to happen with any friend/family member.